When you place an order for services on our website, we will need some amount of data needed to interact with you, usually name, email address and mobile phone. This data is stored in our database. Storage, handling and other operations necessary for the provision of services with this data occur in accordance with the “Personal Data Protection Act”. Data is not transferred to third parties, except as provided laws of Ukraine cases. After the end of cooperation, such data permanently removed after 3 months.
In the case of using online payment methods, guide documents describing the handling of personal data payment service providers whose sites you navigate to during payment Payment data received from the respective companies, we we save in our database and process it according to our internal regulations in order to fulfill the conditions of the contract. After the end of cooperation, such data permanently removed after 3 months.
Some pages of our site have the html-code of services installed "Google Analitics" and "MyCounter". Using these services we need to analyze site traffic. The relationship between our company and these services is governed by the & quot; Google Analitics & quot; document, which is published at: http://www.google.com/analytics/terms/us.html and & quot; Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy & quot;, which is published at: http://mycounter.com.ua/privacy.php.